Friday, November 4, 2016


Eagles Reserve Paint Schedule 

Phase III (Arabian Lane Townhouse)
The below schedule is PROJECTED and will be subject to change due to weather, holidays, etc. 
Please make sure NO DECORATIONS are put up for units/building scheduled around the holidays as they will
interfere with the paint project.
P&R will be held harmless for any damage done to decorations

Phase II (Lago Vista) Started May 19, 2016 - Completed 9/21/16

Phase II (Lago Vista)

 Started May 19, 2016 - Completed 9/21/16   

The colors selected are final. K&K Architect designed building paint color & schemes which were reviewed and approved by the Eagles Reserve HOA Board. NOT subject to change.

The schedule above shows the Phase I: Arabian Lane Villa's paint sequence, Phase II: Lago Vista, Phase III: Arabian Lane Town Homes. The project, work scope, and timing is established by the painting contractor P&R. This schedule will be updated often.

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