Monday, April 25, 2016

Can I pay for the additional light fixtures by credit card?

No, AmeriTech will only accept checks as payment for the additional light fixtures.
Please respond to the blog under light fixtures and use the COMMENT section at the bottom to leave your name and address so I have a running record.
Thank you,
Liaison Team Lead

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Do I have to have my screens cut on Lago Vista to get the house painted?

Yes, one side of the screen between the Townhomes will be taken down and then replaced by a screen company at the HOA's cost to access the space that needs to be painted between the buildings. The side taken down will be at the discretion of the painters for easy access.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Are all the townhouses on Lago Visa and Arabian Lane the same design?

Each town home on Lago Vista is very different from the ones on Arabian Lane and then within each building the units are slightly different. This created the need to use a professional so an architect, Klar and Klar was hired to suggest an overall/specific plan that would enhance the appearance of the community.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Why was an Architect Hired?

Architects are very concerned with aesthetic issues. They are trained to manipulate proportions, alignments, masses, voids, and materials to create pleasing results. They specify the use of materials, finishes, and fixtures best suited to achieve the client's goals. That is why Klar and Klar was hired to assist the Board in making our Community beautiful.

Decision Process of Paint Scheme

  • This process has taken almost 2 years to get to where we are now.

    • Most home owners favored Gettysburg Gray 
    • An architect was hired to develop a second color Serengeti Sand was selected
    • The architect selected Sierra Hills for all gates, doors and most garage doors
    • The architect recommended Cedar Key for all fascia, brackets, and trim
    • The architect recommended Gettysburg Grey for most of the villas with certain villas selected for Serengeti Sand
    • The architect determined that having more than one color on the villas would overwhelm them since they are small and don't have much visible surface
    • The architect recommended two colors for Arabian Lane Town-homes and Lago Vista: Gettysburg Gray and Serengeti Sand. To complement these base colors, SeƱora Gray and Creme Soda were selected (respectively) for the bump-outs 
    • The architect broke down the project into 3-phases: Villas, Lago Vista, and the Town Homes on Arabian Lane

Friday, April 1, 2016

When will we know the projected color scheme for Lago Vista and Arabian Lane town homes?

We are projecting to have the color schemes for both Lago Vista and the Arabian Lane Town Homes be posted here, on the blog, within the next 2 weeks. Any adjustments to the color schemes WILL only BE made by the architects, Klar and Klar.

The schedule of buildings to be painted as well as buildings that have been completed can be found on the blog under. Search using key word schedule which will bring up all the questions asked using this key word.

We are using this blog as a means of communication and information. You may use either the phone number  (727) 822-8080 or the comment section here on the blog to leave your questions. Your questions will then be referred to the applicable person for a response and then your question and the response will be posted to this blog within 48 hours